Ernest Benjamin Gillis Family History



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
201 Ezra was 3 years old, born in 1858 in Ontario. Religion was WM. BROWN, Ezra Healy Phmb (I615)
202 Fact 1 A "protor'later" (tax collector) for Barony of Trugh. McNab, Fred R. (I68)
203 Fact 1 A damask manufacturer McDowell, Alexander (I592)
204 Fact 1 Daughter of Fred R. McNabb, protor-later (tax coll'r) for Barony of Trugh McNab, Olive Rebecca (I65)
205 Fact 1 Died at age 16. Codville, Hilary M. Jr (I42)
206 Fact 1 Emigrated to Canada from Ireland with brother, John William. Gillis, James (I62)
207 Fact 1 Emigrated to Canada with brother James. Gillis, William (I43)
208 Fact 1 First Gillis to occupy the home farm. Gillis, Maj. Robertus Oliver (I64)
209 Fact 1 First Job: Worked on farm, $10/mo. Gillis, William Neil (I25)
210 Fact 1 Purchased small holdings in Ireland Gillis, Andrew (I61)
211 Fact 1 Resided in Beinfeit, Saskatchawaan Gillis, Robert Brown (I7347)
212 Fact 1 Resided in Montreal, Canada Gillis, Rebecca (I7357)
213 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I15)
214 Fact 2 2nd Job: Worked in Pharmacy, $5/mo. Gillis, William Neil (I25)
215 Fact 2 Had 5 sons, 2 daughters Gillis, Andrew (I61)
216 Fact 3 Finished high school, Balaton, MN Gillis, William Neil (I25)
217 Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. Source (S228)
218 for marriage 2), see M210-3-001269 mar 23 Feb 1858
William Robinson, widdower, and Margaret Gallagher

!MARRIAGE: Not listed in A.P.


Subj: Robinson/Gowan
Date: 3/23/04 10:52:12 AM Pacific Standard Time
File: Robinsonsup.RTF (2141 bytes) DL Time (32000 bps): < 1 minute
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Dear John & Marcella,
The Gowan material arrived yesterday. Interesting, and I feel sure that these
are the sisters David went to visit in 1855, but Mary's birth date is certainly
a puzzle. 1826 or 27 is a bit of a problem, since David was supposedly the
youngest, and came to the States in 1841 at age 17, but we don't have firm
evidence for either of those numbers. 1808 would mean Mary gave birth to her
youngest at age 47, not impossible, but I think unlikely at that time. And how
could people mistake a person's age by 18 years, younger or older?
I am looking for help on the Gowans in Co. Down, as I have not been able to
locate anything on my own, so if someone comes up with information about the
family, that may answer the question. It certainly isn't bothering me.
As to the Robinsons, you have given me some information about Elizabeth's
parents that is good to have. I knew nothing but their names before. And I
even have her grandparents' names, so that was a real breakthrough. I can
offer considerable information about the 2 who strayed, William and Elizabeth,
since the latter is my own family, and I have known a good many of the former's
descendents since childhood. So I am attaching something for 2 generations. I
don't know how much you would be interested in, but will be glad to give you
the whole story, as I have it so far, if you would want it.
It looks as though John and I are distantly connected by marriage.
Thanks for all your help.

Download: Robinsonsup.RTF

Additions to the list of descendents of James Robinson and Sarah Goe

Family history, from the descendents of John Stuart and Thomas, plus the 1880
census, indicates that William was the oldest son of James and Sarah.

William Robinson b. 14 Jan 1830 d. 5 Jan 1900
m. Margaret Gallagher b. 21 July 1830 d. 3 Oct 1912
Moved from Quebec to the Volga, Iowa area abt. 1870

children (all but David born in Canada):
John Stuart (as spelled in the Cleghorn history) - b. 7 Jan 1859
d. 28 Oct 1935
m. Mary Ross - b. 28 Mar 1861 d. 1 Mar 1937
married 14 Feb 1883 in Iowa (5 children; full history

Daughter - name unreadable in 1880 census, born 1862

Thomas G. - b. 1863 d. 1937. Thomas married one of my
Mary Jane Gowan (b. Aug 1862 d. 4 Jan 1929) They
had 3 children (full history available)

4 more from the 1880 census. I have not tried to trace them.
Margaret Bailey b. 1865
Joseph b. 1868
Samuel b. 1868
David b. 1871

Moved to Volga, Clayton, IA in 1869. [PM1] 
Robinson, William (I1053)
219 for marriage 2), see M210-3-001269     mar 23 Feb 1858
                           William Robinson, widdower, and Margaret Gallagher

!MARRIAGE:  Not listed in A.P.


Subj: Robinson/Gowan
Date: 3/23/04 10:52:12 AM Pacific Standard Time
File: Robinsonsup.RTF (2141 bytes) DL Time (32000 bps): < 1 minute
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Dear John & Marcella,
The Gowan material arrived yesterday.  Interesting, and I feel sure that these
are the sisters David went to visit in 1855, but Mary's birth date is certainly
a puzzle.  1826 or 27 is a bit of a problem, since David was supposedly the
youngest, and came to the States in 1841 at age 17, but we don't have firm
evidence for either of those numbers.  1808 would mean Mary gave birth to her
youngest at age 47, not impossible, but I think unlikely at that time.  And how
could people mistake a person's age by 18 years, younger or older?
I am looking for help on the Gowans in Co. Down, as I have not been able to
locate anything on my own, so if someone comes up with information about the
family, that may answer the question.  It certainly isn't bothering me.
As to the Robinsons, you have given me some information about Elizabeth's
parents that is good to have. I knew nothing but their names before.  And I
even have her grandparents' names, so that was a real breakthrough.  I can
offer considerable information about the 2 who strayed, William and Elizabeth,
since the latter is my own family, and I have known a good many of the former's
descendents since childhood.  So I am attaching something for 2 generations.  I
don't know how much you would be interested in, but will be glad to give you
the whole story, as I have it so far, if you would want it.
It looks as though John and I are distantly connected by marriage.
Thanks for all your help.

Download:  Robinsonsup.RTF

Additions to the list of descendents of James Robinson and Sarah Goe

Family history, from the descendents of John Stuart and Thomas, plus the 1880
census, indicates that William was the oldest son of James and Sarah.

William Robinson  b. 14 Jan 1830  d. 5 Jan 1900
            m. Margaret Gallagher  b. 21 July 1830  d. 3 Oct 1912
            Moved from Quebec to the Volga, Iowa area abt. 1870

      children (all but David born in Canada):
            John Stuart (as spelled in the Cleghorn history) - b. 7 Jan 1859
                  d. 28 Oct 1935
                  m. Mary Ross - b. 28 Mar 1861  d. 1 Mar 1937
                  married 14 Feb 1883 in Iowa  (5 children; full history

            Daughter - name unreadable in 1880 census, born 1862

            Thomas G. - b. 1863  d. 1937.  Thomas married one of my
                   Mary Jane Gowan  (b. Aug 1862  d. 4 Jan 1929)  They
                   had 3 children (full history available)

            4 more from the 1880 census.  I have not tried to trace them.
            Margaret Bailey  b. 1865
            Joseph  b. 1868
            Samuel  b. 1868
            David  b. 1871

Moved to Volga, Clayton, IA in 1869. [PM1] 
ROBINSON, William (I1053)
220 Fred was raised at Tullaree, Ireland, about 1/8 mi. so. of village of Glasslough. In the early 1600s in northern Ireland, Fred R. McNab was a protor-later, or tax collector, for the Barony of Trough, in
County Monaghan - a very important man at that time.

The barony of Trough is made up of two civil parishes: Errigal
Trough and Donagh. Errigal Trough is the northern tip of county
Monaghan, which forms an arrowhead pointing into county
Tyrone to the north. Errigal Trough is bordered by county
Tyrone to the west, north, and east. The civil parish of Donagh
is south of the eastern part of Errigal Trough, and county
Armagh lies to the immediate east. The town of Emyvale is on
the border of the civil parishes of Errigal Trough and Donagh.
The town of Glasslough is in Donagh. 
McNAB, Fred R. (I68)
221 Fred was raised at Tullaree, Ireland, about 1/8 mi. so. of village of Glasslough. In the early 1600s in northern Ireland, Fred R. McNab was a protor-later, or tax collector, for the Barony of Trough, in
County Monaghan - a very important man at that time.

The barony of Trough is made up of two civil parishes: Errigal
Trough and Donagh. Errigal Trough is the northern tip of county
Monaghan, which forms an arrowhead pointing into county
Tyrone to the north. Errigal Trough is bordered by county
Tyrone to the west, north, and east. The civil parish of Donagh
is south of the eastern part of Errigal Trough, and county
Armagh lies to the immediate east. The town of Emyvale is on
the border of the civil parishes of Errigal Trough and Donagh.
The town of Glasslough is in Donagh. 
McNab, Fred R. (I68)
222 from England to Ireland Gillis, Colonel Robertus Oliver (I876)
223 From Ireland at age 17 to Inverness QB Mooney, John (I602)
224 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants
of Megantic County his baptismal date is Nov. 8, 1849 and his burial date was July 19,
1910 at age 61.

1881 Census
John, 31
Sarah, 30
William, 6
Sarah, 4
Hanna, 2
Robert, 3/12
Hanna, 68, Ireland, widow

1891 Census
John, 41
Sarah, 40
William, 16
Sarah, 14
Hannah, 12
Robert, 10
John, 8
George, 6
Mary, 2
Hannah, 77

1901 Census for Inverness, Megantic County
Leith, John, 51, Aug. 20, 1849
Leith, Sara, 50, Jan 2 1852
Leith, Robert, 20, Dec. 27, 1880
Leith, John, 18, Dec. 23, 1882
Leith, George, 16, Dec. 21, 1884
Leith, Mary, 12, Oct. 2, 1888
Leith, Walter, 9, Aug. 27, 1891
Leith, Hannah, 92, Oct. 31, 1808
Repertory of Births, Marriages, and Burials; 1826-1991; Societe Genealogigue de
la region de l'Amiante, Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada, 1992, Pub. No. 5;
Births p156;US/CAN 971.4575 K2r,Fiche 6125775,LDS FHL Salt Lake City UT; NOTE:
"(bapt) 08/11/1849 LEITH, John Loftus
(born) 02/09/1849 John (fa) & Hannah ROBINSON Inv.
bapt.: Second Inverness and Points adjacent Anglican
MARRIAGE: Ibid.; Marriages p 81; NOTE: Name of Susan Jane should probably be
Sarah Jane ???
"28/02/1873 LEITH, John (farmer) [John (farmer) & Hannah Robinson Inverness]
ROBINSON, Susan Jane [James (farmer) & Sarah Goe Invernes]
Presbyterian Church (Inverness)"
DEATH-BURIAL: Ibid.; Burials p 71; NOTE: Burial date should probably be
22/07/1910, needs verif ???
"(bur) 12/07/1910 LEITH, John Loftus (m) 61 y (farmer) b c1849
(dec) 19/07/1910 sep.: Methodist Church (Inv.)"

!DEATH-BURIAL: Cemetery Recordings of Megantic County, Quebec, Transcribed by
M/M W.T.L.Harper; 1838-1993; Unpub.Manus. 1972-; p4/10, St.Stephens Anglican
Cemetery, Rectory Hill,Co.Megantic,Quebec,Canada; LDS Film 1750756, FHC Menlo
Park CA; NOTE: Headstone Inscription.
"LEITH, John 1849-1910
his wife Sarah Robinson 1850-1930
their sons
William Leith 1874-1895
Walter Leith 1894-1918"

From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants
of Megantic County his baptismal date is Feb. 7, 1847
Parents are John LEITH & Hannah ROBINSON son John's birth [APMB]

CENSUS 1881 QC, MEGANTIC 50, Inverness East e-2, page 15, FHL 1375831 NAC C-13195
Sex: Marr: Age: Origin: Birthplace:
John LEITH M M 31 Irish Q
Occ:Farmer Religion:Church of England Married to Sarah, 4 children In the home is his widowed mother
Sarah LEITH F M 30 Irish Q
Religion:Church of England
William LEITH M 6 Irish Q
Religion:Church of England
Sarah LEITH F 4 Irish Q
Religion:Church of England
Hanna LEITH F 2 Irish Q
Religion:Church of England
Robert LEITH M <1 Irish Q
Born:; 3/12 Religion:Church of England
Hanna LEITH (ROBINSON) F W 68 Irish Ireland
Religion:Church of England Widowed [Mother

CENSUS 1901 QC, MEGANTIC 169, Inverness d-4, page 4, T-6531
Kin: Age: Born: Occupation: Religion: Status:
Head 51 QC 20 Aug 1849 Farmer Meth Married to Sarah, 3 children
Repertory of Births, Marriages, and Burials; 1826-1991; Societe Genealogigue de
la region de l'Amiante, Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada, 1992, Pub. No. 5;
Births p156;US/CAN 971.4575 K2r,Fiche 6125775,LDS FHL Salt Lake City UT; NOTE:
"(bapt) 08/11/1849 LEITH, John Loftus
(born) 02/09/1849 John (fa) & Hannah ROBINSON Inv.
bapt.: Second Inverness and Points adjacent Anglican
MARRIAGE: Ibid.; Marriages p 81; NOTE: Name of Susan Jane should probably be
Sarah Jane ???
"28/02/1873 LEITH, John (farmer) [John (farmer) & Hannah Robinson Inverness]
ROBINSON, Susan Jane [James (farmer) & Sarah Goe Invernes]
Presbyterian Church (Inverness)"
DEATH-BURIAL: Ibid.; Burials p 71; NOTE: Burial date should probably be
22/07/1910, needs verif ???
"(bur) 12/07/1910 LEITH, John Loftus (m) 61 y (farmer) b c1849
(dec) 19/07/1910 sep.: Methodist Church (Inv.)"

!DEATH-BURIAL: Cemetery Recordings of Megantic County, Quebec, Transcribed by
M/M W.T.L.Harper; 1838-1993; Unpub.Manus. 1972-; p4/10, St.Stephens Anglican
Cemetery, Rectory Hill,Co.Megantic,Quebec,Canada; LDS Film 1750756, FHC Menlo
Park CA; NOTE: Headstone Inscription.
"LEITH, John 1849-1910
his wife Sarah Robinson 1850-1930
their sons
William Leith 1874-1895
Walter Leith 1894-1918" 
Leith, John Loftus (I999)
225 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants
of Megantic County his baptismal date is Nov. 8, 1849  and his burial date was July 19,
1910 at age 61.

1881 Census
John, 31
Sarah, 30
William, 6
Sarah, 4
Hanna, 2
Robert, 3/12
Hanna, 68, Ireland, widow

1891 Census
John, 41
Sarah, 40
William, 16
Sarah, 14
Hannah, 12
Robert, 10
John, 8
George, 6
Mary, 2
Hannah, 77

1901 Census for Inverness, Megantic County
Leith, John, 51,  Aug. 20, 1849
Leith, Sara, 50, Jan 2 1852
Leith, Robert, 20, Dec. 27, 1880
Leith, John, 18, Dec. 23, 1882
Leith, George, 16, Dec. 21, 1884
Leith, Mary, 12, Oct. 2, 1888
Leith, Walter, 9, Aug. 27, 1891
Leith, Hannah, 92, Oct. 31, 1808
Repertory of Births, Marriages, and Burials; 1826-1991; Societe Genealogigue de
la region de l'Amiante, Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada, 1992, Pub. No. 5;
Births p156;US/CAN 971.4575 K2r,Fiche 6125775,LDS FHL Salt Lake City UT; NOTE:
"(bapt) 08/11/1849  LEITH, John Loftus
(born) 02/09/1849    John (fa) & Hannah ROBINSON Inv.
                      bapt.: Second Inverness and Points adjacent Anglican
MARRIAGE:  Ibid.; Marriages p 81; NOTE:  Name of Susan Jane should probably be
Sarah Jane  ???
"28/02/1873  LEITH, John (farmer)  [John (farmer) & Hannah Robinson Inverness]
             ROBINSON, Susan Jane  [James (farmer) & Sarah Goe  Invernes]
             Presbyterian Church (Inverness)"
DEATH-BURIAL:  Ibid.; Burials p 71; NOTE:  Burial date should probably be
22/07/1910, needs verif ???
"(bur) 12/07/1910  LEITH, John Loftus (m) 61 y (farmer)      b c1849
(dec) 19/07/1910    sep.: Methodist Church (Inv.)"

!DEATH-BURIAL:  Cemetery Recordings of Megantic County, Quebec, Transcribed by
M/M W.T.L.Harper; 1838-1993; Unpub.Manus. 1972-; p4/10, St.Stephens Anglican
Cemetery, Rectory Hill,Co.Megantic,Quebec,Canada; LDS Film 1750756, FHC Menlo
Park CA; NOTE:  Headstone Inscription.
     "LEITH, John 1849-1910
             his wife  Sarah Robinson  1850-1930
                   their sons
             William Leith  1874-1895
             Walter  Leith  1894-1918"

From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants
of Megantic County his baptismal date is Feb. 7, 1847
Parents are John LEITH & Hannah ROBINSON son John's birth [APMB]

CENSUS 1881 QC, MEGANTIC 50, Inverness East e-2, page 15, FHL 1375831  NAC C-13195
                       Sex:      Marr:      Age:      Origin:            Birthplace:
John LEITH                  M      M      31      Irish            Q
Occ:Farmer                  Religion:Church of England            Married to Sarah, 4 children In the home is his widowed mother
Sarah LEITH                  F      M      30      Irish            Q
                       Religion:Church of England
William LEITH                  M            6      Irish            Q
                       Religion:Church of England
Sarah LEITH                  F            4      Irish            Q
                       Religion:Church of England
Hanna LEITH                  F            2      Irish            Q
                       Religion:Church of England
Robert LEITH                  M            <1      Irish            Q
Born:; 3/12            Religion:Church of England
Hanna LEITH (ROBINSON)      F      W      68      Irish            Ireland
                       Religion:Church of England            Widowed [Mother

CENSUS 1901 QC, MEGANTIC 169, Inverness d-4, page 4, T-6531
Kin:      Age:      Born:                  Occupation:      Religion:      Status:
Head      51      QC  20 Aug 1849      Farmer            Meth            Married to Sarah, 3 children
Repertory of Births, Marriages, and Burials; 1826-1991; Societe Genealogigue de
la region de l'Amiante, Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada, 1992, Pub. No. 5;
Births p156;US/CAN 971.4575 K2r,Fiche 6125775,LDS FHL Salt Lake City UT; NOTE:
"(bapt) 08/11/1849  LEITH, John Loftus
(born) 02/09/1849    John (fa) & Hannah ROBINSON Inv.
                      bapt.: Second Inverness and Points adjacent Anglican
MARRIAGE:  Ibid.; Marriages p 81; NOTE:  Name of Susan Jane should probably be
Sarah Jane  ???
"28/02/1873  LEITH, John (farmer)  [John (farmer) & Hannah Robinson Inverness]
             ROBINSON, Susan Jane  [James (farmer) & Sarah Goe  Invernes]
             Presbyterian Church (Inverness)"
DEATH-BURIAL:  Ibid.; Burials p 71; NOTE:  Burial date should probably be
22/07/1910, needs verif ???
"(bur) 12/07/1910  LEITH, John Loftus (m) 61 y (farmer)      b c1849
(dec) 19/07/1910    sep.: Methodist Church (Inv.)"

!DEATH-BURIAL:  Cemetery Recordings of Megantic County, Quebec, Transcribed by
M/M W.T.L.Harper; 1838-1993; Unpub.Manus. 1972-; p4/10, St.Stephens Anglican
Cemetery, Rectory Hill,Co.Megantic,Quebec,Canada; LDS Film 1750756, FHC Menlo
Park CA; NOTE:  Headstone Inscription.
     "LEITH, John 1849-1910
             his wife  Sarah Robinson  1850-1930
                   their sons
             William Leith  1874-1895
             Walter  Leith  1894-1918" 
LEITH, John Loftus (I999)
226 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants
of Megantic County his baptismal date June 7, 1855

1881 Census for Hoosick Falls,
25, Que., moulder, in household of John Daly

He was an accountant for a hotel in Schenectady, N.Y.

From Georgia Garnsey
Some years after Isabella died, Robert remarried a woman named Caroline whom my grandmother Rose (Rozella) loathed. Rose actually left home as soon as she was old enough (and her father had died) and I have the advertisement she took out for her "Children's Hair Cutting" business. Robert was buried next to Isabella in the Hoosick Falls cemetery and I have a photo of their graves somewhere in my files of the gravesite. The photo was obtained from a descendant of Albert Leith's.

Interment Record for Robert Leith
Name: Leith, Robert
Born: 1856
Died or Buried: 1906
Buried: Maple Grove (Old)
Section: 4
County/State: Rensselaer, NY
Notes: town: Hoosick
wife: Isabella Leith 
Leith, Robert (I1006)
227 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants
of Megantic County his baptismal date June 7, 1855

1881 Census for Hoosick Falls,
25, Que., moulder, in household of John Daly

He was an accountant for a hotel in Schenectady, N.Y.

From Georgia Garnsey
Some years after Isabella died, Robert remarried a woman named Caroline whom my grandmother Rose (Rozella) loathed.  Rose actually left home as soon as she was old enough (and her father had died) and I have the advertisement she took out for her "Children's Hair Cutting"  business. Robert was buried next to Isabella in the Hoosick Falls cemetery and I have a photo of their graves somewhere in my files of the gravesite.  The photo was obtained from a descendant of Albert Leith's.

Interment Record for Robert Leith
Name: Leith, Robert
Born: 1856
Died or Buried: 1906
Buried: Maple Grove (Old)
Section: 4
County/State: Rensselaer, NY
Notes: town: Hoosick
wife: Isabella Leith 
LEITH, Robert (I1006)
228 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants
of Megantic County his name is listed as Porturs and his baptismal date is Feb. 23, 1845

1861 Census for Megantic County, 16 years, Wesl Meth. labourer

From Georgia Garnsey
Kirby records
Porter, 24, b. Inverness, C.of E., son of John and Hannah Leith and Mary, 20 b. New
Ireland, C.of E., daughter of John and Mary Cassady, residence Concord Vermont, clergy,
Sheldon B. Currier.

"On 10.27.1870 Porter Leith, farmer, age 24, birthplace Inverness, C.E., parents John and Hannah leith- married mary Cassady, residence Concorde, Vt., age 20, birthplace New ireland, C.E., parents John and Mary Cassady.

He is listed in 1880, Danville, Caledonia County as
Portar Leith, 32, Canada, farmer
Mary, wife, 32, Canada
Willie, 8, Vermont
John, 6, Vermont
Treserdy Casady, 18, Canada, servant

He is listed in the Saint Johnsbury directory, 1889-1890
Portuas Leith, blacksmith, 30 Pleasant
Mrs. Mary
John H.

1900 Census for Caledonia County, St. Johnsbury, 30 Pleasant Street
Porteous, Nov. 1847, day labourer
Mary, June 1849
John, March 1875

He is buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery, Plot CF18, 1841-1915
CF18 LEITH 1841 1915 Father
CF18 LEITH 1852 1904 Mother
CF18 LEITH Willie 1872 1893
CF18 LEITH William June 7, 1893 ? 21 yrs 6 ms 21 ds - son of Portuas & Mary Leith 
Leith, Portious (I1365)
229 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants
of Megantic County his name is listed as Porturs and his baptismal date is Feb. 23, 1845

1861 Census for Megantic County, 16 years, Wesl Meth. labourer

From Georgia Garnsey
Kirby records
Porter, 24, b. Inverness, C.of E., son of John and Hannah Leith and Mary, 20 b. New
Ireland, C.of E., daughter of John and Mary Cassady, residence Concord Vermont, clergy,
Sheldon B. Currier.

"On 10.27.1870 Porter Leith, farmer, age 24, birthplace Inverness, C.E., parents John and Hannah leith- married mary Cassady, residence Concorde, Vt., age 20, birthplace New ireland, C.E., parents John and Mary Cassady.

He is listed in 1880, Danville, Caledonia County as
Portar Leith, 32, Canada, farmer
Mary, wife, 32, Canada
Willie, 8, Vermont
John, 6, Vermont
Treserdy Casady, 18, Canada, servant

He is listed in the Saint Johnsbury directory, 1889-1890
Portuas Leith, blacksmith, 30 Pleasant
Mrs. Mary
John H.

1900 Census for Caledonia County, St. Johnsbury, 30 Pleasant Street
Porteous, Nov. 1847, day labourer
Mary, June 1849
John, March 1875

He is buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery, Plot CF18, 1841-1915
CF18 LEITH   1841 1915 Father
CF18 LEITH   1852 1904 Mother
CF18 LEITH Willie 1872 1893
CF18 LEITH William   June 7, 1893 ? 21 yrs 6 ms 21 ds - son of Portuas & Mary Leith 
LEITH, Portious (I1365)
230 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants of Megantic County burial date was July 18, 1868. Hamilton, Jane (I1325)
231 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants of Megantic County burial date was July 18, 1868. HAMILTON, Jane (I1325)
232 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants of Megantic County marriage date and their marriage witnesses were Mark Scott and John Leith Jr.

Census 1861 for District 2, Township of Inverness, Megantic County
1861 1871
John 45 55
Hannah 40 67
Elizabeth 20
William 19
Portious 16
John 14 21
James 12
Robert 6 15
John 83
Jane 78
Eliza J Grey 23 U. Canada

Gwen Rawlings has Eliz J. Grey living with them, b. 1839, UC

Death date from Civil War records of son William.

Affidavit Proof as To Celibacy and Sonship of Soldiers
Shown by credible witnesses, William Patterson and William Gallagher, filed Feb. 25, 1874
Under non-support from husband
John R. Mackie, MD filed Feb. 25 1874
1st Testifies that he attended professionally claimants husband from June 1870 to the date of his death, Jan. 17, 1872, during which time he was suffering from a disease of the bowels known as chronis ulceration, and also with chronic enlargement of the liver, which finally ended in cancerous disease of the liver.
The peculiar chronic nature of said diseases which rendered claimants husband an invalid, prevented said husband from working on his farm or otherwise supporting his family for a number of years.
Decedent informed me when I underwook the treatment of his case that he had experienced symptoms which indicated the existence of said diseases during the past twenty years. I think from professional knowledge of the progress of said deseases that decedednt for a number of years was incapacitated for the performance of farming work and that assistance was requisite to his supporting his family.
That from the history of the case, the chronice nature of the disease, intensely diseased condition of the affected organs, and collateral testimony of friends long acquainted with deceased, "affirms belief in" the complete physical disability of decedent at the date of soldiers death.

W.H. Lamly, Justice of the Peace, testifies that Dr,. Mackie is a Durgeon and Physcian in good standing.

!st Testify, Robert Rickaby and John Murray filed June 25, 1873
that claimants husband was unable to work and labor on his farm as it requires, and at date of the soldiers enlistment the father was always unable to work because of ill health, and was so conditioned continuously thereafter.
1st Testify, Joseph Patterson and George Currie filed June 25 1873
that Claimants husband was unable to do but very little labor for "the last fifteen years and was under the doctors care the most of said time".

Mothers Brief states in the year 1864, shows that the S.E. half of Lot No. 22, 10th Range is valued in John Leith's name at $540. John Montgomery, testifies, that the property of claimants husbadn in 1864 was worth about $500. currency. Robert Rickaby and John Murray testify that claimants property is worth about $500 or $600, stock and all. Joseph Patterson and George Currie testify that they had property worth about $850. Claimant now has no property. It was spent during the sickness of her husband
"John Leith was from an area within Enniskillen in Co. Fermanagh not far from Glasslough in Co. Monaghan. John was in the Fermanagh Militia. The Leiths are all buried in the St. Stephens graveyard right next to their property on Range 10 in Inverness QC." - [Georgia Garnsey][PM1]

"John Leith was from an area within Enniskillen in Co. Fermanagh not far from Glasslough in Co. Monaghan. John was in the Fermanagh Militia. The Leiths are all buried in the St. Stephens graveyard right next to their property on Range 10." - Georgia Garnsey

(Note: John is the son of John Leith Sr (b. 1778 IRE ? d. abt 1940) and Jane Hamilton (b. 1783). His siblings: Ann (m. John Roger Wilton, lived in High Bluff, Manitoba, Canada); Elizabeth (m. David William Falconer Gray and lived in Inverness, Megantic Co., Quebec, Canada); Hamilton (m. Marion Currie, lived in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada); and Charlotte (m. Thomas Wilton, lived in Inverness, Megantic, Quebec, Canada). 
Leith, John (I988)
233 From Paul Vachon's book, Repertory of Births, Marriages and Burials: The Anglo-Protestants of Megantic County marriage date and their marriage witnesses were Mark Scott and John Leith Jr.

Census 1861  for District 2, Township of Inverness, Megantic County
               1861 1871
John           45   55
Hannah              40   67
Elizabeth           20
William             19
Portious            16
John           14   21
James               12
Robert                6  15
John           83
Jane           78
Eliza J Grey        23        U. Canada

Gwen Rawlings has Eliz J. Grey living with them, b. 1839, UC

Death date from Civil War records of son William.

Affidavit  Proof as To Celibacy and Sonship of Soldiers
Shown by credible witnesses, William Patterson and William Gallagher, filed Feb. 25, 1874
Under non-support from husband
John R. Mackie, MD filed Feb. 25 1874
     1st Testifies that he attended professionally claimants husband from June 1870 to the date of his death, Jan. 17, 1872, during which time he was suffering from a disease of the bowels known as chronis ulceration, and also with chronic enlargement of the liver, which finally ended in cancerous disease of the liver.
     The peculiar chronic nature of said diseases which rendered claimants husband an invalid, prevented said husband from working on his farm or otherwise supporting his family for a number of years.
     Decedent informed me when I underwook the treatment of his case that he had experienced symptoms which indicated the existence of said diseases during the past twenty years.  I think from professional knowledge of the progress of said deseases that decedednt for a number of years was incapacitated for the performance of farming work and that assistance was requisite to his supporting his family.
     That from the history of the case, the chronice nature of the disease, intensely diseased condition of the affected organs, and collateral testimony of friends long acquainted with deceased, "affirms belief in" the complete physical disability of decedent at the date of soldiers death.

W.H. Lamly, Justice of the Peace, testifies that Dr,. Mackie is a Durgeon and Physcian in good standing.

!st Testify,  Robert Rickaby and John Murray filed June 25, 1873
that claimants husband was unable to work and labor on his farm as it requires, and at date of the soldiers enlistment the father was always unable to work because of ill health, and was so conditioned continuously thereafter.
1st Testify,  Joseph Patterson and George Currie filed June 25 1873
that Claimants husband was unable to do but very little labor for "the last fifteen years and was under the doctors care the most of said time".

Mothers Brief states in the year 1864, shows that the S.E. half of Lot No. 22, 10th Range is valued in John Leith's name at $540. John Montgomery, testifies, that the property of claimants husbadn in 1864 was worth about $500. currency. Robert Rickaby and John Murray testify that claimants property is worth about $500 or $600, stock and all. Joseph Patterson and George Currie testify that they had property worth about $850.  Claimant now has no property.  It was spent during the sickness of her husband
"John Leith was from an area within Enniskillen in Co. Fermanagh not far from Glasslough in Co. Monaghan. John was in the Fermanagh Militia. The Leiths are all buried in the St. Stephens graveyard right next to their property on Range 10 in Inverness QC." - [Georgia Garnsey][PM1]

"John Leith was from an area within Enniskillen in Co. Fermanagh not far from Glasslough in Co. Monaghan. John was in the Fermanagh Militia. The Leiths are all buried in the St. Stephens graveyard right next to their property on Range 10." - Georgia Garnsey

(Note: John is the son of John Leith Sr (b. 1778 IRE ?  d. abt 1940) and Jane Hamilton (b. 1783). His siblings: Ann (m. John Roger Wilton, lived in High Bluff, Manitoba, Canada); Elizabeth (m. David William Falconer Gray and lived in Inverness, Megantic Co., Quebec, Canada); Hamilton (m. Marion Currie, lived in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada); and Charlotte (m. Thomas Wilton, lived in Inverness, Megantic, Quebec, Canada). 
LEITH, John (I988)
234 George was an excellent golfer - some said he could have been a professional.  He was also excellent at horse shoes - and often during family picnics, he and the other "uncle" would toss horseshoes during the afternoon.  George worked in Everett as an architect. LEE, George (I317)
235 Glaslough, Co. Monaghan, Ireland Gillis, William (I66)
236 Glenn Robert SWINGLER Born February 25, 1917, passed away October 4, 2004. Glenn leaves behind his loving wife of 61 years, Elaine, children Nancy Basl (Bill), Sally Rongren (Erik), Steven and Richard (Diane) and grandchildren Lisa and Michael Rongren and Alex and Catherine Basl. Preceded in death by son David and grandson Robbie. A Memorial Service will be held Friday, Oct. 8, 1:30 p.m. at West Side Presbyterian Church, 3601 California Ave. SW. Remembrances to West Side Presbyterian. Arrangements entrusted to Howden-Kennedy Funeral Home of West Seattle.
Published in The Seattle Times from Oct. 7 to Oct. 8, 2004 - See more at: 
SWINGLER, Glenn Robert (I303)
237 Graduated from Balaton High School and Mankato State College. Grace taught high school at St. James County School. After marrying Robert, her family grew up in Minneapolis. Gillis, Grace May (I24)
238 Graduated from Balaton High School and Mankato State College.  Grace taught high school at St. James County School.  After marrying Robert, her family grew up in Minneapolis. GILLIS, Grace May (I24)
239 Griffith's 1860, Donagh Parish (Mrs. Harvey) Gillis, Samuel (I67)
240 Hannah was born 5/11/1841, the daughter of William & Nancy
(Robinson) Gillis . She married Robert Scott . Hannah died
12/28/1875 at the age of 33.
Hannah is buried in Boutelles Cemetery but has no stone. The
burial information is a compilation of church records. Scott,
Hannah Gillis, d. 28 Dec 1874, age 33y 6m 17d, wife of Robert.

Boutelle Cemetery record (see footnote for John William Gillis) lists year of death as 1874 but heretofore reportedly was 1875. States she was married to Robert Scott.
this Robert could have married Hannah GILLIS, then Christiana Cascadden ??
there are two Roberts about the same age of 1837/8 ???
Robert 1838 son of Mark Scott and Margaret Little

Repertory of Births, Marriages, and Burials; 1826-1991; Societe Genealogigue
de la region de l'Amiante, Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada, 1992, Pub. No. 5;
Births p101;US/CAN 971.4575 K2r,Fiche 6125775,LDS FHL Salt Lake City UT; NOTE:
"(bapt) 28/02/1843 GILLIS, Hannah
(born) 11/05/1841 William (fa) & Nancy ROBINSON Inv.
bapt.: Methodist Church (Ireland)"

!MARRIAGE: Leeds Wesleyan Methodist Church Register; 1861; M210/3, frame
001373, National Archives of Quebec; Federation of Quebec Families, Case
postale 6700, Sillery, QC, G1T 2W2, Canada; NOTE: (from disk)
"Seventh leaf
Marriages Robert Scott of the Parish of St Sylvester
and Hannah Gillis of the Township of Inverness
were united by me in marriage on the eighth
of April one thousand eight Hundred and Sixty
two in presence of subscribing witnesses
Wm D Brown
Witnesses Parties
William Gillis Robert Scott
William Scott Hannah Gillis"

MARRIAGE: Not listed in Anglo Pro. First marriage for Robert to Hannah GILLIS
Found in church records.

MARRIAGE: Ibid.; Marriages p 137;
NOTE: Second marriage for Robert to Christiana CASCADDEN
"29/02/1876 SCOTT, Robert Township of Nelson
CASCADDEN, Christiana St-Margaret
Methodist Church (Leeds)"

DEATH-BURIAL: Ibid.; Burials p 126; NOTE:
"(bur) 01/01/1875 SCOTT, Hannah
(dec) 30/12/1874 mar Robert SCOTT Nelson
sep.: Methodist Church (Leeds)"

!DEATH-BURIAL: Cemetery Recordings of Megantic County, Quebec; 1838-1993;
Records in poss of Gladys Patton, Lennoxville, QC, Canada; p6, Boutelle
Cemetery, Inverness, QC, Canada; NOTE: Headstone Inscription "GILLES ...
Hannah Gillis wife of Robert Scott
died Dec 28, 1874 age 33 yrs 6 mos 17 days" 
Gillis, Hannah (I49)
241 Hannah was born 5/11/1841, the daughter of  William  &  Nancy
(Robinson) Gillis . She married  Robert Scott . Hannah died
12/28/1875 at the age of 33.
Hannah is buried in Boutelles Cemetery but has no stone. The
burial information is a compilation of church records. Scott,
Hannah Gillis, d. 28 Dec 1874, age 33y 6m 17d, wife of Robert.

Boutelle Cemetery record (see footnote for John William Gillis) lists year of death as 1874 but heretofore reportedly was 1875.  States she was married to Robert Scott.
this Robert could have married Hannah GILLIS, then Christiana Cascadden  ??
there are two Roberts about the same age of 1837/8  ???
Robert 1838 son of Mark Scott and Margaret Little

Repertory of Births, Marriages, and Burials; 1826-1991; Societe Genealogigue
de la region de l'Amiante, Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada, 1992, Pub. No. 5;
Births p101;US/CAN 971.4575 K2r,Fiche 6125775,LDS FHL Salt Lake City UT; NOTE:
"(bapt) 28/02/1843  GILLIS, Hannah
(born) 11/05/1841    William (fa) & Nancy ROBINSON  Inv.
                      bapt.: Methodist Church (Ireland)"

!MARRIAGE:  Leeds Wesleyan Methodist Church Register; 1861; M210/3, frame
001373, National Archives of Quebec; Federation of Quebec Families, Case
postale 6700, Sillery, QC, G1T 2W2, Canada; NOTE:  (from disk)
                                                 "Seventh leaf
           Marriages  Robert Scott of the Parish of St Sylvester
                      and Hannah Gillis of the Township of Inverness
                      were united by me in marriage on the eighth
                      of April one thousand eight Hundred and Sixty
                      two in presence of subscribing witnesses
                                              Wm D Brown
                      Witnesses             Parties
                      William Gillis      Robert Scott
                      William Scott       Hannah Gillis"

MARRIAGE:  Not listed in Anglo Pro.  First marriage for Robert to Hannah GILLIS
           Found in church records.

MARRIAGE:  Ibid.; Marriages p 137;
NOTE:  Second marriage for Robert to Christiana CASCADDEN
"29/02/1876  SCOTT, Robert  Township of Nelson
             CASCADDEN, Christiana  St-Margaret
             Methodist Church (Leeds)"

DEATH-BURIAL:  Ibid.; Burials p 126; NOTE:
"(bur) 01/01/1875  SCOTT, Hannah
(dec) 30/12/1874    mar  Robert SCOTT  Nelson
                     sep.: Methodist Church (Leeds)"

!DEATH-BURIAL:  Cemetery Recordings of Megantic County, Quebec; 1838-1993;
Records in poss of Gladys Patton, Lennoxville, QC, Canada; p6, Boutelle
Cemetery, Inverness, QC, Canada; NOTE:  Headstone Inscription  "GILLES ...
                   Hannah Gillis wife of Robert Scott
                   died Dec 28, 1874 age 33 yrs 6 mos 17 days" 
GILLIS, Hannah (I49)
242 Harold was a pharmacist. Brown, Harold Wesley Phm.B. (I1496)
243 Harold was a pharmacist. BROWN, Harold Wesley Phm.B. (I1496)
244 He received his Bachelor of Pharmacy (Phm.B) from the U of T, July 16, 1920. There were 135 graduates in his class of which, seven were women.
University of Toronto 
Brown, Edgar Carlyle Phmb (I112)
245 He received his Bachelor of Pharmacy (Phm.B) from the U of T, July 16, 1920.  There were 135 graduates in his class of which, seven were women. BROWN, Edgar Carlyle Phmb (I112)
246 He was a co-pilot for the British Bible Society and made his home with his mother, Ellen, when not travelling. Kean, Robert (I5591)
247 He was a co-pilot for the British Bible Society and made his home with his mother, Ellen, when not travelling. KEAN, Robert (I5591)
248 He was baptized Apr. 9, 1842, of John and Hannah, in the Methodist Church, Ireland Twsp.

1861 Census Megantic County, 19 years, Wesl. Meth., laborer, with parents.

He and cousin George Wilton enlisted in Vermont in the Civil War. He was a private in the
8th Regiment, Company C. of the Vermont Infantry, #000557, 0008, 00002420.

Died 1864 in the U.S. Civil War at the Battle of Cedar Creek in the Shenandoah Valley. 
Leith, William (I1008)
249 He was baptized Apr. 9, 1842, of John and Hannah, in the Methodist Church, Ireland Twsp.

1861 Census Megantic County, 19 years, Wesl. Meth., laborer, with parents.

He and cousin George Wilton enlisted in Vermont in the Civil War.  He was a private in the
8th Regiment, Company C. of the Vermont Infantry, #000557, 0008, 00002420.

Died 1864 in the U.S. Civil War at the Battle of Cedar Creek in the Shenandoah Valley. 
LEITH, William (I1008)
250 Headstone says 1811 Robinson, Hannah (I987)

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