Ernest Benjamin Gillis Family History

Samuel ROBINSON[1, 2, 3, 4]

Male 1848 - 1929  (81 years)

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  • Name Samuel ROBINSON  [5, 6
    Born 6 Feb 1848  , Inverness, Megantic, Quebec, Can Find all individuals with events at this location  [6, 7, 8
    Gender Male 
    Census 1881  Inverness East, Megantic, Quebec Find all individuals with events at this location  [9
    Died 10 Oct 1929  , Inverness, Megantic, Quebec, Can Find all individuals with events at this location  [6, 10, 11
    Funeral 12 Oct 1929  Inverness, Megantic, Quebec, Canada, United Church Find all individuals with events at this location  [10
    _UID 24862AAB0FA14E94B99FDBC94E745AC5EE31 
    Buried 12 Oct 1929  Boutelle Cem., Inverness, Megantic, Quebec, Can Find all individuals with events at this location  [12, 13
    Person ID I1188  tag1
    Last Modified 26 May 2014 

    Mother Sarah GOE,   b. Abt 1806, , , Tyrone, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 5 Mar 1890, Inverness, Megantic County, QB Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 84 years) 
    Family ID F346  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • !MARRIAGE:  Ireland Wesleyan Methodist Church Register; 1873; M210/2, Frame
      001454, National Archives of Quebec; Federation of Quebec Families, Case
      postale 6700, Sillery, QC, G1T 2W2, Canada; NOTE:  (back of Sixth leaf)
                            On the First Day of
                 July in the Year of our Lord One
                 Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy
                 Three at the Township of Inverness County
                 of Megantic Province of Quebec Dominion
                 of Canada was Saml. Robinson Bache(lor)
                 of the Township of Inverness aforesaid
                 Farmer And Elisabeth Lowry, Spinster
                 of the Tonwship of Inverness Aforesaid
                 both being of Major Age were by
                 License Clerk(?) in the presence of the
                 undersigned witness duly joined in
                 Marraige   by me
                                   John. G. Brick
                   Samuel Robinson
                   Elizabeth Lowry
                 Joseph Mc Crea)
                 James Lowry   ) Witness"

      !BIRTH:  No birth listed.
      MARRIAGE:  Ibid.; Marriages p 132; NOTE:
      "01/07/1873  ROBINSON, Samuel (farmer)  ([James * & Sarah Goe]  Ireland)
                   LOWRY, Elizabeth  Inverness
                   Methodist Church (Ireland)
                   * [son of James and Hannah Moore]."
      DEATH-BURIAL:  Ibid.; Burials p 122; NOTE:
      "(bur) 12/10/1929  ROBINSON, Samuel (m)  (retired fa)
      (dec) 10/10/1929      .... & ....  ....
                           Elizabeth Lowry Robinson
                           sep.: United Church (Inv.)"
      !DEATH-BURIAL:  Cemetery Recordings of Megantic County, Quebec; 1838-1993;
      Records in poss of Gladys Patton, Lennoxville, QC, Canada; p20, Boutelle
      Cemetery, Inverness, QC, Canada; NOTE:  Headstone Inscription
        "ROBINSON  ...   Samuel Robinson  1848-1927   / his wife /
                         Elizabeth Lowry  1851-1938   / their son /
                         Earnest Wesley Robinson  1874-1928  / his wife /
                         Winnifred Eagar          1872-1958"

      !CENSUS:  1881 CAN, Quebec, Megantic, Inverness East; info from LDS CD
            Census Place:     Inverness East, Megantic, Quebec, Canada
            Source:     FHL Film 1375831  NAC C-13195  Dist 50  SubDist E  Div 1
                        Page 43  Family 198
                              Sex   Marr  Age   Origin      Birthplace
      Samuel ROBINSON         M     M     33    Irish  Quebec          b c1848
            Occ:  Farmer      Religion:   Presbyterian Canada
      Elizabeth ROBINSON      F     M     29     Irish Quebec          b c1852
                        Religion:   Presbyterian Canada
      James ROBINSON          M     M     80    Irish  Ireland         b c1801
            Occ:  Farmer      Religion:   Presbyterian Canada
      Sarah ROBINSON          F     M     72    Irish  Ireland         b c1809
                        Religion:   Presbyterian Canada
      Catherine JORDAN        F     W     94    Irish  Ireland         b c1887
                        Religion:   Presbyterian Canada
      Ernest Wesley ROBINSON  M           6      Irish Quebec          b c1875
                        Religion:   Presbyterian Canada
      Thomas Arthur ROBINSON  M           5      Irish Quebec          b c1876
                        Religion:   Presbyterian Canada
      James Edmond ROBINSON   M           5      Irish Quebec          b c1876
                        Religion:   Presbyterian Canada

      !BIOGRAPHY:  Marlita Lamontagne Ouellette, THE PIONEERS OF LOWER IRELAND, P.Q.,
      1818-1980;; Roy et Laliberte Inc., Thetford Mines, Que., June 1980; p 149-153;
      copy in poss of John W.Wark, Menlo Park, CA; NOTE:  Family history of

      "ROBINSON  ...  6) Samuel (1848- ) m. Elizabeth Lowry ... "
      CENSUS 1881 QC, MEGANTIC 50, Inverness E e-1, page 43, FHL 1375831
                             Sex:      Marr:      Age:      Origin:            Birthplace:
      Samuel ROBINSON            M      M      33      Irish            Quebec
      Occ:Farmer                  Religion:Presby Canada                  Married to Elizabeth, 3 children
      Parents are also living in home.
      Elizabeth ROBINSON            F      M      29      Irish            Quebec
                             Religion:Presbyterian Canada     
      James ROBINSON            M      M      80      Irish            Ireland
      Occ:Farmer                  Religion:Presbyterian Canada     
      Sarah ROBINSON            F      M      72      Irish            Ireland
                             Religion:Presbyterian Canada     
      Catherine JORDAN            F      W      94      Irish            Ireland
                             Religion:Presbyterian Canada            Widowed (relationship unknown)
      Ernest W ROBINSON            M            6      Irish            Quebec
                             Religion:Presbyterian Canada     
      Thomas A ROBINSON            M            5      Irish            Quebec
                             Religion:Presbyterian Canada     
      James E ROBINSON            M            5      Irish            Quebec
                             Religion:Presbyterian Canada     

      CENSUS 1901 QC, MEGANTIC 169, Inverness d-2, page 5, T-6531
      Kin:      Age:      Born:                  Occupation:      Religion:      Status:
      Head      53      QC  06 Feb 1848      Farmer            Meth            Married to Elizabeth, 1 child
      Also in the home is mother-in-law Martha Lowry

      Death informant was Elizabeth (Lowry) Robinson (Wife)  [Anglo-Protestants of Megantic Co. Quebec DEATHS & BURIALS-page122]

      Funeral: United Church, Inverness, Megantic, QC   [Anglo-Protestants of Megantic Co. Quebec DEATHS & BURIALS-page122]

  • Sources 
    1. [S114] .

    2. [S91] .

    3. [S134] .

    4. [S92] .

    5. [S130] pg 132 (Reliability: 4).

    6. [S2] .

    7. [S125] Inverness d-2, page 5, T-6531 (Reliability: 3).

    8. [S101] FHL Film 1375831  NAC C-13195  Dist 50  SubDist E  Page 43  Family 198 (Reliability: 3).

    9. [S101] FHL Film 1375831  NAC C-13195  Dist 50  SubDist E  Page 43  Family 198 (Reliability: 3).
      Extract: 1881 Canadian Census
      Census Place: Inverness East, Megantic, Quebec
      Source: FHL Film 1375831  NAC C-13195  Dist 50  SubDist E  Page 43  Family 198
                  Sex      Marr Age  Origin                             Birthplace
      Samuel ROBINSON
                  Male     M    33   Irish                              Quebec
             Occ: Farmer                                  Religion: Presbyterian Canada
      Elizabeth ROBINSON
                  Female   M    29   Irish                              Quebec
                                                          Religion: Presbyterian Canada
      James ROBINSON
                  Male     M    80   Irish                              Ireland
             Occ: Farmer                                  Religion: Presbyterian Canada
      Sarah ROBINSON
                  Female   M    72   Irish                              Ireland
                                                          Religion: Presbyterian Canada
      Catherine JORDAN
                  Female   W    94   Irish                              Ireland
                                                          Religion: Presbyterian Canada
      Ernest Wesley ROBINSON
                  Male          6    Irish                              Quebec
                                                          Religion: Presbyterian Canada
      Thomas Arthur ROBINSON
                  Male          5    Irish                              Quebec
                                                          Religion: Presbyterian Canada
      James Edmond ROBINSON
                  Male          5    Irish                              Quebec
                                                          Religion: Presbyterian Canada

    10. [S116] pg 122 (Reliability: 3).

    11. [S138] pg 122 (Reliability: 3).
      QUAY 3

    12. [S116] pg 122 has Inverness, Megantic, Quebec, Canada, United Ch. (Reliability: 4).

    13. [S128] .