Ernest Benjamin Gillis Family History

Ezra Healy Brown, Phmb[1, 2, 3]

Male 1858 - 1923  (64 years)

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  • Name Ezra Healy Brown  [4, 5
    Suffix Phmb 
    Born 21 Jun 1858  Cornwall, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [5, 6
    Gender Male 
    Address Address:
    Ezra H. Brown
    Cornwall, ONTARIO 
    Census Apr 1861  Edwardsburg Twp; Grenville Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  [5, 7
    • Ezra was 3 years old, born in 1858 in Ontario. Religion was WM.
      Edwardsburgh Township
    FindaGrave Memorial ID 173460778 
    Name Ezra Healey 
    Occupation 12 Apr 1901  Cornwall, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [5, 8
    • Druggist
    Died 12 Apr 1923  Cornwall, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [5, 9
    Buried 15 Apr 1923  Woodlawn Cemetery, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Residence Abt 1928 
    • Cornwall, Ontario
    _UID 07EEF213A2B24CE98457FF2D737ADDF84C44 
    Person ID I615  Ernest Benjamin Gillis
    Last Modified 22 Apr 2020 

    Family Catherine McNabb Gillis,   b. 6 Dec 1861, Inverness, Megantic County, Quebec, Canada (Gillis Corners) Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 12 Mar 1947, Toronto, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 85 years) 
    Married 17 Aug 1887  Cornwall, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [5, 10
     1. Harold Wesley Brown, Phm.B.,   b. 9 Jan 1889, Cornwall, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 21 Sep 1961  (Age 72 years)
     2. Frederick Forest Brown,   b. 16 Oct 1883, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 25 Mar 1929, London, London, England Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 45 years)
     3. Lillian Ray Brown,   b. 8 Jan 1891, Cornwall, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 22 Nov 1961  (Age 70 years)
     4. Dr. Stanley Herbert Brown, M.D.,   b. 20 Nov 1894, Cornwall, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 14 Jun 1980, Lake Worth, Palm Beach, Florida, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 85 years)
     5. Edgar Carlyle Brown, Phmb,   b. 24 Aug 1896, Cornwall, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 15 Sep 1978, Arnprior, , Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 82 years)
    Last Modified 26 May 2014 
    Family ID F199  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Photos
    Ezra Healy & Catherine (Gillis) Brown
    Ezra Healy & Catherine (Gillis) Brown
    Liquor Charge
    Liquor Charge
    Ezra's liquor charge
    Ezra's liquor charge
    Various newspaper clippings about the events surrounding Ezra's charge of illegally selling liquor.

  • Notes 
    • Ezra Healy Brown is a 9th generation direct descendant of Pilgrims Francis Cooke and Richard Warren of the Mayflower.

      Ezra Healy Brown graduated from the College of Pharmacy and the Ontario Optical Institute of Canada and located his store at 156 Pitt Street, Cornwall in 1882. He sold a variety of drugs, chemicals, medicines, perfumes, toilet articles and fancy goods. As well her carried and fitted customers with a wide array of glasses and spectacles. The 1901 CORNWALL STANDARD advertised:

      Special preparations of Mr. Brown's are the Jubilee Plain Magic, for
      both internal and external use, which is particularly for recommended
      for diarrhea, cholera morbus, summer complaint, pains in the stomach
      and bowels, etc. also Fragrant Rosaderma, the most elegant and
      delicate preparation for the skin ever invented; Brown's Family Cough
      and Asthma Cure; the Magic Liniment for rheumatism, neuralgia, frost
      bites, sprains, North American Stomach and Live Tonic for indigestion and
      dyspepsia, etc. [5]
    • (Research):From the Cornwall Freeholder Souvenir Booklet, 1900

      E. H. Brown
      There is no profession which more deserves our most careful consideration than that of the chemist and druggist. The physician may successfully diagnose, but it is the chemist who administers the relief. He is the able assistant of the doctor, and his skill and science in a great measure renders the medical profession efficient.

      A very popular and highly responsible drug store in Cornwall is that of E. H. Brown, who has been established here since 1882, and he enjoys the reputation of being thoroughly skilled in every detail of his calling. He has a large and well appointed store 20 x 70 feet in dimensions, on Pitt Street, where he is always on hand. A choice assortment of the purest and freshest of drugs and chemicals, also desirable and popular patent medicines, physician's supplies, perfumery, toilet articles, fancy goods, and druggist's sundries generally will be found in this establishment. He also carries a full line of spectacles and eye glasses. Having had several years' experience measuring and fitting difficult cases of eye defects, is an assurance that all who go to him for glasses will receive the very best fit that can be given them.

      Special attention is given to the compounding department, physicians' prescriptions and family recipes being prepared with great reliability and despatch. Special preparations of Mr. Brown's are the Jubilee Pain Magic, for both internal and external use, which is particularly recommended for diarrhoea, cholera morbus, summer complaint, pains in the stomach and bowels, etc.; also Fragrant Rosaderma, the most elegant and delicate preparation for the skin ever invented; Brown's Family Cough and Asthma Cure; the Magic Liniment for rheumatism, neuralgia, frost bites, sprains; North American Stomach and Liver Tonic for indegestion and dyspepsia, etc.

      Mr. Brown is a native born Canadian, a graduate of the College of Pharmacy and the Ontario Optical Institute of Canada. Personally, he is highly esteemed, and has held many important public positions, having been for several years a member of the Town Council, in which body he at present holds the responsible position of Chairman of the Finance Committee. Mr. Brown is also Chairman of the Public School Board, Secretary-Treasurer of the Cornwall Milling Co., and a member of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist Church. He is an enthusiastic rifleman, being one Cornwall's crack shots. [11]

  • Sources 
    1. [S92] Marchand GEDCOM 2009, compiled by Frederick J Marchand.

    2. [S112] Rogers: 2009 Gillis GEDCOM, compiled by Peter Rogers.

    3. [S162] Ancestry Family Trees, (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.), Ancestry Family Trees (Reliability: 3).

    4. [S2] Jim Marchand Gillis GEDCOM, compiled by F. J. Marchand [(E-ADDRESS) FOR PRIVATE USE\,].

    5. [S68] P. Rogers GEDCOM, compiled by Peter Rogers [(E-ADDRESS) FOR PRIVATE USE\,].

    6. [S70] Census 1901 - Stormont Co., Ontario, Fourth Census of Canada 1901, (Town of Cornwall, Stormont County, District 53, Subdistrict "a", Polling Division 6, Province of Ontario, Fourth Census of Canada, 1901. Enumerator: James McFarlane), Page 6 (Reliability: 4).
      National Archives of Canada website:

    7. [S74] 1861 Census Edwardsburgh Township, Leeds & Grenville Branch, Ontario Genealogy Society, ISBN 0-7779-0867-0., Page 139 (Reliability: 4).

    8. [S70] Census 1901 - Stormont Co., Ontario, Fourth Census of Canada 1901, (Town of Cornwall, Stormont County, District 53, Subdistrict "a", Polling Division 6, Province of Ontario, Fourth Census of Canada, 1901. Enumerator: James McFarlane), Page 6 (Reliability: 4).

    9. [S79] Death Registration - Ezra Healy Brown, (Ontario Reg. #031563), #031563 (Reliability: 4).

    10. [S75] Marriage Certificate - Ezra Healy Brown & Catherine McNab Gillis, Ontario Registration # 011639 (Reliability: 4).

    11. [S87] Peter Rogers, Peter Rogers.